Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mother's Day

Everyone said that your first Mother's Day is special which I agree.  Now that I am a mother, it has so much more meaning.  There is a greater appreciation for my mother and all mothers now that I know how much work and sacrifice motherhood requires.  Motherhood is a never ending job, and I think about Brax all the time.  I want what is best for him and would do anything for him.  I want to provide him with a happy childhood and give him a good foundation to be successful in all aspects of life as he becomes more independent.  When he is an adult, I want to have the relationship with him that I have with my mom.

On Saturday, Brax and I went to Mass.  The priest had some nice and funny words to say about mothers during his homily.  Also, the prayers were for mothers, and there was a special blessing for mothers.  Again, it has so much more meaning to me now.  We prayed for all mothers, couples struggling with infertility, mothers who have lost a child, and all those who act in motherly ways.  Since it was such a struggle to get pregnant, my heart goes out to all of those women who so desperately want to be mothers, but cannot.  I know how hard Mother's Day can be during those times.

Unfortunately I was coming down with a bad cold so I didn't feel the best on Mother's Day.  However, it was still a nice day.  After Wade woke up, we went out to brunch.  He did have cards for me- one from him and one from Brax.  Then, we went to Home Depot.  We ended up buying a play set for Brax and some flowers to plant in the backyard.  I love planting flowers and enjoying them all summer.  Wade is nice enough and waters the flowers all summer.  Then, Wade had a lot of work to do for his finals so I spent the day hanging out with Brax.  If only I could get him to nap for longer than 20-40 minutes at a time so we could enjoy a nice long nap together!

Thanks Brax for coming into my life and making me a mother!  I couldn't be happier and love you more than anything!

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