Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Three Months

You weigh 9.5 pounds are 23.5 inches.  You are so skinny.  We are hoping you will gain more weight after your heart surgery.  You had to start taking medicine to help you gain more weight before the surgery.

You all of a sudden like to suck on the pacifier.  You also like to try and fit your entire fist into your mouth to suck on it.  You can easily get your hands to your mouth.  Once, you grabbed the pacifier on your chest and put it into your mouth.

You can really grap the rings on your play mat.

We started tummy time.  You don't seem to mind it very much as long as we stay by your face and talk to you.

We started going to church together.  So far, you have been really quiet and usually fall asleep.  I hold you for most of the Mass.

I went back to work so you have been spending the days with Daddy and have had your first babysitter when Daddy has class on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.

You will stick your tongue out at me when I stick my tongue out at you.  This makes you smile.

You are a bit of a moaner.  Also, you have started to do this high pitch squeal sometimes.

You go to bed around 9:30 and are up around 2:00 and 5:00 to eat.  You will usually sleep until 7 or so and will sleep another hour if we hold you.

You are still breastfeeding well and will take a bottle when I am gone.  You eat around 2.5 ounces every 2.5 hours.  I am hoping you will eat more and go longer between feedings after we get your heart fixed.

You smile more each day especially in the mornings after you eat.

We go for walks or runs almost every day.

You have begun to babble more each day and are quite active sometimes.  You move your arms and kick your legs when you get excited.

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