Thursday, November 14, 2013

9 Months

November 13, 2013

You turned 9 months old on your Uncle Matt's birthday.  You are 27 inches long and 15.5 pounds.  Your head is about 18 inches.  You are still really skinny and short compared to other babies your age, but you are making good growth for you.  On the other hand, your head is in the 45% compared to the 8% for height and under the 5% for weight.  The doctor says you will catch up this summer.

Daddy started a full-time job so we have Danielle (DeeDee) come to nanny for you during the week.  You seem to be doing really well with her.  She takes you to Gymboree class a lot.  She helped us get you on a nap schedule, finally!

You really like to eat food most of the time.  You like finger foods such as puffs, cookies, and veggie sticks.  You eat breakfast at 9:00 and dinner at 5:30.  Sometimes, you think it is funny to spit your food out at me.

You go to bed around 7:00 during the week.  On the weekends, you stay up a little later.  You get up once to eat about 8-9 hours later, and you wake up around 7:00.  When you were 8.5 months old, we dropped the night feeding.  You weren't very happy for three days, but now sleep through the night 90% of the time!  I am so glad.  We both feel better so rested.

You are finally on a napping schedule.  You take your first nap at about 10:30 and the second nap around 2:30.  You usually sleep for an hour and fifteen minutes.  We can put you down awake, and you usually go right to sleep.

We have stopped breastfeeding.  You had 8 full months of breast milk.  I fed you breast milk at night and in the morning until you were 8.5 months old.  It was hard for me emotionally to stop breastfeeding you, but I wasn't making very much milk, and it was hard on my body with work.

Grandpa and Grandma came to watch you for a week since DeeDee went on vacation.

You roll all over the place.  You will army crawl sometimes if there is something you really want.  You seem to move a lot more when there isn't an adult in the room looking at you.  Sometimes, I will hide and peek at you so you will move more.

You started to like being up on your knees and look in your toy and book boxes although you need some help to get up on your knees.  You will even raise yourself from your knees to your feet sometimes on your own.

You can sit up on your own for as long as we leave you there.  You don't quite know how to get down from sitting up, yet.

You celebrated your first Halloween by being a devil.  You had many costume choices!

You have the best smile and smile all the time.  You know how to pose for the camera.  When you hear a click on a phone, you turn and pose.  It is so cute.  Many people have commented that you could be a model.  :)

You like to make grunting noises a lot.  I have no idea why.  Then, we will make a grunting noise, and you will make them back at us.

You still say "Mama" easily.  You have started saying, "Dada."

We had your heart echo check-up, and you passed with flying colors.  Now, we only have to go for yearly appointments until you are five years old.

You love to read books.  You can turn the pages on your own when a book is on the floor.  If you have the choice of a book or a toy on the floor, you will go to the book.

You like to bang your hand on surfaces to make noise.

You like going outside.  We feed the dogs and look at the chickens.  You like to swing some, now.  We still lay on the blanket and play outside, too.

We just love you more than anything!  You bring so much joy to our lives!

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