Friday, November 15, 2013


We took Brax to his first Nuggets game!  He did so well!  At first, he was a little taken aback by all the loud noise.  However, every time there was music playing, he would bounce to the beat.  He liked looking at everything.  At one point, he was standing up on my lap while I was talking to our neighbor, and he reached behind me and grabbed the straw out of someone's drink without me knowing.  When I pulled him back towards me, he had the straw in his mouth.  Oops!  He was happy all during the game until the last 20 seconds when he was really tired.  The game was close, and they kept calling timeouts.  However, the Nuggets pulled it off and won!  Three in a row!  Brax fell asleep on the way home, and I was glad we put him in his pajamas in the car before we drove home.  It was an easy transfer from car seat to crib.  A fun family night for all of us and our neighbors!

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