Friday, February 14, 2014

12 Months

February 13, 2014

How are you one?  Wow, the year sure went by so fast!  You are growing up to be such a big boy!

You love to climb up the stairs.  You can do this all on your own.  Of course, we are there to catch you if you fall.

You really think it is funny when we clap.  You can clap, now.

You can sing along with the sounds you hear.  You first started doing this to "Old MacDonald."

You are not sure about all the new textures of foods we give you.  Sometimes, you like to feed yourself, and sometimes, you want to be fed.  You still love bananas, applesauce, cottage cheese, and banana bread.  When you don't want to eat something, you have no problem dropping it on the floor.

You love flapping your lips with your finger to make sounds.

We celebrated your first birthday by having a farm party.

You can walk along things and with your walker.  You get mad when your walker gets stuck.

You love to play with the dishwasher, refrigerator, and dryer.

You can say mama, dada, and bye-bye.  You are good at waving bye.

You love playing with drawers and doors.

You watched your first Super Bowl.  The Broncos lost.  :(

You like to spin in a circle when you are on the floor.

You like to shake your head for no especially when you don't want to eat something.

You like to wave your hand back and forth like you are waving.  You usually always wave good-bye to everyone.

You get mad when you see our lap-tops out, and we don't let you play with them.  Also, you get mad when you close the lap-top and want it back open.

You like to bite on the stitching on the leather couch.  I say no when you do this, and you start laughing.

You have changed so much since you were born, and we love seeing your personality develop.  You are so fun!  We love you so so much!

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