Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Beach Pictures

Here are a few photos from our trip that Wade has edited.  I still need to look through all his pictures and pick the ones I want.  There are a ton.
 Jumping shot
 Love this one!
 All the Gitts at the beach
 Mike, Brendan, and Ali
 The grandkids- missing Sophia :(
Ava, Gina, Aiden, Braxton, Brendan, and Emerson
 Moon shots

Mom and Dad

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Wade's Birthday

Well, Wade probably had the worst plane ride and the worst birthday all within one week.  Today, after nap, Brax started throwing up again just like the plane ride from Saturday.  The only similarities are he had cheese both days before he got sick.  The doctor didn't think this is what caused him to be sick, and the coincidences are not related.  Maybe, Brax picked up something at school, yesterday.  He did finally stop throwing up and went to sleep.  Anyway, it did not make for a fun birthday night for Wade.  We had to cancel the sitter so we weren't able to go golfing or out to dinner.  Wade was nice enough to stay home and help me with Brax instead of doing something fun.  Brax eventually felt a little better before bedtime and played some ball with Wade.  We ordered Chinese food.  I got a little cheesecake for Wade.  He had to blow out some candles.  Anyway, "Happy Birthday, Babe!"  I'm sorry it wasn't the best day.  Hopefully, golf and our date on Saturday will make up for tonight.  We love you!  Also, the first pictures are from the zoo today when Brax was feeling fine.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Body Parts

Brax can identify his head, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, and toes.  Here is the video:  And, this is my last post for today- sorry for so many at once!  I am finally caught up on all my blogging!

For the Grandparents

I had a request for a video of Brax saying grandma.  Well, here is a video of him saying grandma, grandpa, and nana.  Can't believe I forgot to ask him to say GG.  I will have to try for GG and Aunt Jill tomorrow!

Father's Day

For Father's Day, we had a special treat of some special company.  Wade's dad and his significant other along with Wade's brother and brother-in-law came to visit.  We had a very nice time visiting and eating great food from the grill.  If only it was a bit longer!  Brax sure enjoyed seeing his grandparents and uncles!  Here is a picture of Wade and his dad and brother along with Brax.

The First Day of School

My baby went to school today for the first time.  His teacher called in sick so that didn't help matters.  The director emailed me a few updates and a few pictures.  She said he had a rough morning adjusting to the teachers and other children, but calmed down and enjoyed playing with trucks, reading books, and eating lunch.  She said he was fast asleep at nap time.  When I went to pick him up, he was very happy and having snack.  For snack, he had bananas and yogurt.  He was doing his best to eat his yogurt with a spoon, and it was all over his face, shirt, and table.  Can't believe I didn't take a photo!

Carolina Beach

My parents were kind enough to take us all on a vacation to Carolina Beach, NC for their 40th anniversary.  We had such a great time!  Here are some pictures from various cell phones.  I cannot wait to get the pictures Wade took with his camera especially all the group and family pictures on the beach in the evenings.  Hopefully, I'll be able to post those early next week.
Flying to the beach

Driving to the beach house

Carolina Beach, NC

At Uncle Ken and Aunt Susan's condo

Swimming at the condo- the water was cold and he was all done the entire time

First day on the beach


Celebrated our 4th anniversary

Cousin Brendan


Frozen drinks

On the pier- very windy

Dad a.k.a. Michael Douglas and Mom

Out to lunch

At the aquarium

Playing in the sand

Burying Grandpa

Trying to boogie board

Burying Aiden

Burying Ava


Burying Emerson

Art time

Ball with Ava

Ball with Grandpa

No clue what that is

Aunt Ali

Getting ready for the 40th anniversary party

Thanks Grandma for holding my "baba" so I can hold two balls at once

Swimming in warmer weather and sun- he liked this water


Cousins and Grandpa

Deep in thought

Ali babysat so we could go out to dinner for our anniversary

Crab legs, shrimp, oysters, and corn on the cob


Football with Brendan

Hush puppies

Early morning family walk

Nap time

More art with Gina

Dad golfing with Wade and Mike

Tourist shop- balls!

Asleep at the airport

The LONG plane ride home- Brax started throwing up 20 minutes after take off for the next three hours of the flight- poor guy and poor us!