Thursday, June 19, 2014

Wade's Birthday

Well, Wade probably had the worst plane ride and the worst birthday all within one week.  Today, after nap, Brax started throwing up again just like the plane ride from Saturday.  The only similarities are he had cheese both days before he got sick.  The doctor didn't think this is what caused him to be sick, and the coincidences are not related.  Maybe, Brax picked up something at school, yesterday.  He did finally stop throwing up and went to sleep.  Anyway, it did not make for a fun birthday night for Wade.  We had to cancel the sitter so we weren't able to go golfing or out to dinner.  Wade was nice enough to stay home and help me with Brax instead of doing something fun.  Brax eventually felt a little better before bedtime and played some ball with Wade.  We ordered Chinese food.  I got a little cheesecake for Wade.  He had to blow out some candles.  Anyway, "Happy Birthday, Babe!"  I'm sorry it wasn't the best day.  Hopefully, golf and our date on Saturday will make up for tonight.  We love you!  Also, the first pictures are from the zoo today when Brax was feeling fine.

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