Sunday, September 21, 2014

Birthday Fun

I had a pretty nice birthday weekend!  Wade sent flowers to me at school on Friday which was such a nice surprise.  Then, we babysat our neighbor's son that night in exchange for them watching Brax when we have to go to a wedding in October.  Afterwards, we tried to make it through a movie, but we were too tried. On Saturday, I went to acupuncture.  Then, we went to Castle Rock to see my good friend, Stephanie, and her family.  I went shopping with Stephanie and her daughter.  I found some really good deals at the Banana Republic outlet and got Brax a football shirt.  Stephanie made a nice dinner for us with so many good desserts and a special cupcake for me.  Also, they gave me a present of a very cute Vera Bradley lunch bag and cup.  We watched the Nebraska game together- so glad they won!  Brax crashed on the way home.  On my actual birthday, Brax and I went to Little Monkey Bizness.  Then, I went to church by myself.  It's the first time I've been to church by myself since Brax was born so I actually got to listen to everything instead of running after Brax which was nice.  Then, I did some work around the house and cleaned out my car.  Wade made dinner and got me a nice card and gift card for a mani/pedi when I get my hair done next weekend.  My parents sent some nice cards, birthday money, and a bracelet.  My mom, her sister, and my sister all wear the same bracelet so that is special.  Also, I got a lot of nice texts and messages from friends and other family.  My last year in my 30's, and I have a feeling it's going to be a special one!

 Brax insisted on going down this slide over and over.  In order to get to the top of it, you have to...
go through these 
 up through a hole
and across this walkway.  I am looking forward to the day that Brax can maneuver this by himself!  That was a lot of work!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your birthday fun with us at Little Monkey Bizness. Looks like you had a lot fun. Love the pictures too, very fun. Happy belated Birthday!!!!

    Monkey Bizness :)
