Monday, September 8, 2014


Brax's new outdoor obsession is chalk.  He still likes to shoot hoops, but he often wants to draw with chalk first.  If I'm doing dishes at the sink, I can watch him out the window, and he just sits on the basketball court and draws with his chalk.  He even had to take chalk on our walk so he could draw on his red wagon while we walked the other day.  Don't worry- balls are still his top obsession.  I just wish I was a better artist because when he requests something to be drawn, I'm sure he's thinking I couldn't understand him.  His clothes and body and my clothes and body are often covered with chalk by the end of the day.  Glad it washes out easily and that chalk is cheap like balls.

On another note, I am working on posts from all of our company from the past month.  I am just waiting on getting the pictures.  :)

 Brax's originals

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