Thursday, August 13, 2015

2.5 Years Old

I cannot believe Brax is 2.5 years old today!  It's so hard to believe he was once a little baby like Hadley.  He has quite the personality!

A little bit about you now...

-  You are very into aquatic animals.  This started a little after your second birthday.  You know the names of so many different animals.  You really favor sharks and whales.
-  You like to go to the aquarium especially to see the sharks.
-  You have recently started to really play with cars.
-  You are such a talker.  You sound like an adult talking so much.
-  You always want to go to a store to buy a toy.
-  You like getting packages and want to open them by yourself with your scissors.
-  You like to go places.  You like Jump Street, the splash park, zoo, aquarium, parks, stores, restaurants, and pools.
-  Your favorite restaurant is Applebee's.
-  You love dessert.  It's all you would eat if I let you.
-  You are a picky eater.  You do eat pouches, hot dogs, grilled cheese, cheese quesadillas, peanut butter on crackers and sandwiches, pancakes, and macaroni and cheese.
-  You are a mama's boy.  You always want me when you are upset.
-  You like to play rough with Daddy especially when he wrestles with you and the lion.
-  You do well at school.
-  You are a good big brother.  You like to kiss Hadley on the head and give her a hug especially before you go to bed.  You really want to touch her eyeballs for some reason, but we don't let you.  You often say, "Hello Hadley.  What are you doing, Hadley?"  You think it is funny when she burps, poops, and has the hiccups.
-  You really like to read books.  I am amazed at how many books you have memorized.
-  We went on a family vacation to the Royal Gorge and Colorado Springs this summer.
-  You like to play outside.  You like to swing on the swing set bar, swing on the big swing, and go down the slide.
-  You don't share very well.  You often say, "That's mine!" when other kids try to play with your toys.
-  Another one of your favorite sayings is, "I need..."
-  You pick the dry skin on your upper lip a lot.
-  You like to shoot baskets, but not as much anymore.
-  You like to play chase and hide and seek.
-  You fall so often.  Your knees always seem to be skinned up.
-  You always have to sleep with your blankies.
-  You like to get hugs while holding your blankies, but you say, "No kisses," when I kiss you.
-  You can pedal your tricycle for just a little bit.
-  You can draw circles.
-  You want to wear your jammies all the time.
-  You like to watch youtube videos of people opening and playing with toys.  You also have watched Finding Nemo and Dumbo many times.
-  You have gone pee on the potty here and there and poop once.  However, you haven't shown too much interest in it, yet.  When you poop, you run into a bedroom and want to be left alone.
-  You skip the numbers 14, 16, and 17 when you count to 20.  I can't get you to say them no matter how much we practice.
-  You know your letters and sounds well.  You can tell me what letter any word starts with.
-  You can spell your name.
-  You always want to go see your neighbor friends.
-  You are our favorite little boy, and we love you so much!

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