Monday, August 17, 2015

Two Months

Notes from month two:

You weigh 12 pounds 2.5 ounces and measure 23.5 inches long.  Your head is 15.75 inches.  You are in the 70th percentile for weight and 90th percentile for height and 90th percentile for head.  You are a long baby and growing well.  You are in 6 month sizes for some of your clothes already.

You like to lay on your playmat now.  You can hold onto the rings for quite a long time and sometimes will pull them off.  You also will grab onto my shirt and hair.  You will grab any toys that are next to you on the couch.

You can see further.  You like to watch the big tv downstairs and look at lights.

You don't mind taking baths.  I think you will like the water in the big tub when you are older.

You met Grandpa Lyle.  He is here to help Daddy while I go to work for a week.

You went on your first family vacation.  We went to the Royal Gorge for a night and the Colorado Springs Cheyenne Mountain Zoo for a night.

You do well when we go places.  You usually sleep the entire time which is nice so I can focus on what your brother needs.  

You don't get much one on one attention with your brother around.  We read books with him every day.  

You like to be on your side when you're laying down sometimes.

You make an "O" with your mouth when you go to the bathroom.

You go to sleep around 9:00 every night and get up around 3:00 and 6:00 to eat before waking up around 8:00.  Sometimes, you grunt in your sleep especially when you have gas or start to get hungry which wakes me up.  Sometimes, I lay next to you when you wake up at 6 while you sleep.  I will miss this when I have to go back to work.  During the day, you take short catnaps.

You had your two month shots.   You cried and wanted to be held standing up a lot for the day.

You have a hard time getting comfortable when you are really tired and need to go to sleep.  The swing helps you fall asleep sometimes.  It's hard to sleep with your loud brother.

You have been breastfeeding well still and will take a bottle when I am gone although you don't like the bottle as much.  You start grunting when you get hungry.

You have been smiling more and more each day.  You will smile and stick your tongue out back at me.  Also, you make noises back at me when I talk to you.

You follow objects with your eyes and look at faces. 

We go on runs with the jogging stroller when your brother goes to school.  You usually fall asleep.  

You don't like to be in your car seat unless you are moving.

You like to be held when you get upset.  

You rarely ever cry.  If you cry, I know you are really upset and need to be held or eat right away.

You blow spit bubbles.

You can roll up on your side by yourself on the couch.

You are pretty strong.  You can sit in your Bumbo seat for a few minutes and lift your head up during tummy time.

You are such a sweet easy baby.  I love that you respond more and more to us each day.  We love you!

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