Thursday, May 26, 2016

Eleven Months

May 15, 2015

How is it possible that you will be a year old next month?!

You love to crawl around.  You have gotten pretty fast.  You and Braxton love to crawl and chase each other.  It makes you laugh!

You love to stand up.  You can get up and down without any problem.  You are very well balanced.  You haven't started walking along things, but you are very close.

You can crawl up stairs.  You love to crawl up the stairs.  We have to put the red horse by the stairs to keep you away from them since it scares you.

You like to babble.  Your favorite word to say is Dada.  You said doggie one time.  

You are a good sleeper.  You usually go to sleep at 7:15 and sleep for 12 hours.  You put yourself to sleep.

You like to snuggle.  You will lean your head in and just snuggle up to my chest or cheek.  It is so so sweet!

You drink water out of a sippy cup.  You often prefer water and food over milk.

We just finished breastfeeding.  You are drinking whole milk.  You don't seem to mind it, but often will not take the bottle much from anyone, but me.

You like to feed yourself.  You love to eat pretty much anything!  

You like to play with Braxton more than anything.  You just will follow him around and get your hands on whatever is near him.

Your front two teeth are about to break through. 

You like to clap your hands especially when we say, "Yay."

You get so excited when we come home.  You wave your hands in the air and crawl to us right away.

We love to make you laugh.  You laugh the most when you play with Braxton.  It is the best sound in the world!

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