Friday, May 13, 2016

Mother's Day

We had such a nice Mother's Day.  We got up and headed to brunch.  Then, we went to Home Depot and bought flowers to plant.  Finally, it wasn't snowing on Mother's Day!  We spent time outside and getting the house ready to sell.  Also, the nanny had Brax fill in the blanks to some sentences.  He wrote:

My mommy is Angie Govig.
She likes to play.
She cooks the best peanut butter sandwiches.  (even though the nanny wrote pb and j, Brax made sure to tell me it was suppose to be peanut butter sandwiches which is all he eats now)
Her favorite thing to do to relax is Daddy.
Together we like to play with sea animals.
Mommy is good at drawing whales.
I love Mommy because she's special, so so special.

I am so honored and love being a mother to Brax and Hadley!

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