Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Weekend

Here are some pictures from our weekend.  On Friday, Wade worked late so I took the kids to Applebee's and Sears.  Then, we had a play date with the twins on Saturday morning.  We played in the creek and went to Panera for lunch.  Brax found a few shells in the creek and decided to throw them back so some animals could have a home.  After nap, we drove to see the new house.  The siding is up!  Then, we went to On the Border.  Brax got to ride the horse at King Soopers.  Last weekend, we didn't have any change, and he asked me later in the week if I was working so much so he could ride the horse.  On Sunday, we went to Lowe's and Home Depot.  Then, we visited two parks.  Hadley loved going down the big slide on her tummy.  She has no fear!  Hadley also decided she would sit on the potty like her big brother.

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