Tuesday, September 13, 2016

3.5 Years Old

August 13, 2016

My baby boy is growing up!

Here are some things about you now:

Your favorite color is orange.

You are a picky eater, but like to eat gummies, cheeseburgers, orange peanut butter crackers, pouches, peanut butter sandwiches, and of course anything sweet!

You are still obsessed with ocean animals.

Your favorite comfort objects are your blankie (Swirly), Orcy, Humpbacky, Blue Whaley, and Hammy.

You know all your letters and sounds.  You have really been interested in how you spell words lately.

You can count to 39.  You get confused with forty and fifty.

You can spell Braxton, Govig, Hadley, zoo, mom, dad, exit, moo, and boo.

You have been rhyming words.

You are holding your pencil the correct way, but are still nervous about drawing or writing letters because they don't look exactly right.

You love Hadley.  You always look out for her, but sometimes, you like to push her over when we aren't looking.

Your favorite friends at school are Evelyn and MiShelley.

You love to watch Octonauts and Paw Patrol.

You went to two movies this summer:  Finding Dory and Ice Age.

You are constantly talking.

You like to wear two different shoes.

You are a sweet boy and like to give me hugs and kisses.

You really like to swim in the pool with your floatie.

You like to line up your animals and put stickers in rows on your mat.

You like to do puzzles.  You can do 48 piece puzzles.

You are a kind sweet boy, and we love you so much!

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