Friday, July 5, 2013

Estes Park

We decided to take a day trip and visit Estes Park.  We left in the morning.  When we got to Estes Park, we decided to get some sandwiches at Subway and drive up a road to the Continental Divide.  It was a very pretty scenic drive.  We stopped a few times along the way to take some pictures.  Brax and I got out for the first two stops.  However, it was so windy the higher we drove so we stayed in the car at the top.  When we reached the Continental Divide, we turned around and made the drive back home.  I had never been so it was something to check off my Colorado list.  Brax did a great job in the car which was good practice for our drive to Nebraska in a few weeks although it will be nicer when he's a bit older so we can get out and walk around more.  Overall, a nice day as a family!

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