Monday, July 15, 2013

Five Months

Wow, I cannot believe you are five months old already!

Notes from month five:

You weigh 11 pounds 6 ounces.  You are 24.5 inches long.  You are still little for your age, but you gained 2 pounds since your surgery which is great!

You spent the first week of the month in the hospital recovering from heart surgery.  We took turns spending the night with you so you were never alone in the hospital.

You love to suck on your hands, rings, and blankets.

You drool so much.  Your outfits are often soaked with your spit in the front.

You had to be on a fat free diet which was a combination of fat free breast milk and fat free formula.  This made you constipated.

You laugh and smile often.  We love making you laugh.  Sometimes, when I laugh at you, you laugh back hysterically for awhile.  It is very entertaining!

You do not take naps very well.  You often sleep only for about 30-40 minutes at a time with the occasional longer nap.

We are working on a schedule.  All we have started is a bedtime routine of a bath, lotion massage, and books.  We start the bedtime routine at 8:00, and you are usually asleep around 8:30.  Then, you get up at 2 and 5 to eat.  You are up around 8 for the day.

You do not like tummy time.  You can't hold up your head alone, yet, but you are getting much better at it.

We celebrated Daddy's birthday by going shopping and out to eat.  You got out of the hospital the morning of his birthday.

We drove to Estes Park for a day.

We went to a park concert and brought a picnic at the Four Mile Historic Park.  It's nice to be able to go more places with you.

We watched fireworks.

Kyle, Kirsten, and Sloane came to visit.

You try to hold your bottle sometimes when you drink it.

You went for your first swim in a baby pool in our backyard.

It is so fun to see your personality develop.  When we go somewhere new, you are quite serious taking everything in.

You stare at ceiling fans.

You don't cry very often and mainly only when you are tired.

We love you so so much!

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