Monday, July 15, 2013

The Burnfins Visit

My friend, Kirsten, and her husband and daughter came to visit for the weekend.  Her daughter, Sloane, just turned 2 years old.  She was quite fun and made me really excited thinking about Brax developing more of a personality and being able to do activities.  Sloane goes swimming once a week with Kirsten's friend who has two boys in Kansas City.  The younger son's name is Ty.  He is about three months older than Brax so the entire weekend Sloane referred to Brax as Ty.  I couldn't believe I even called him Ty a few times when I was talking to her.  She was very sweet to him even if she renamed him for a few days.

They arrived late Friday night.  We let the kids stay up a little late, and Brax was exhausted by the time he went to bed an hour later than normal.  Then, on Saturday, we went to Heritage Square which is a small amusement park more for younger kids that has an alpine slide.  Sloane went on a few rides while Brax was only able to ride the merry-go-round with me.  Everyone, but Brax, made a trip down the alpine slide.  This was the first time I had been down an alpine slide, and I thought it was quite fun.  After the amusement park, we went and had sandwiches in downtown Golden.

When we returned home, there was quite a rainstorm which is nice since we are in a drought.  We grilled out.  Then, Kirsten and I went out downtown to a few bars while the men babysat.  It was the first time we had been out together before she was pregnant- 3 years!  My how times have changed!  The next day it was the guys turn, and they went golfing.  We took the kids to breakfast and Target.

It was so nice to see them and have some company for the weekend!

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