Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Botanical Gardens

Yesterday, Brax, Hadley, and I visited the Botanical Gardens.  The first thing Brax said at the ticket counter was, "Excuse me.  I farted.  Excuse me."  The lady didn't quite know what to say!  We looked at the kid's garden, but had more fun in the adult one.  We saw lots of pretty flowers, and lily pad was the new word for the day.  Chihuly left one glass sculpture, and there was a new exhibit of wood horses.  It wasn't too exciting for Brax to see the same wood horses over and over.  He really enjoyed the ponds and running up and down the big hill.  He didn't want to leave the hill, but Hadley had enough time in her car seat in the heat!  And, what a better way to end the day- with pajamas and a Dilly Bar!
 early in the morning

 lots of fountains that Brax called a hot tub many times

 had to remind him to not pick the flowers over and over

 someone was nice enough to offer to take our picture together

 reminds me of our sunflowers growing up- I remember this picture with my brother, Mike

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