Sunday, September 27, 2015

Oh Lordy, I'm 40!

Well, I turned 40 last week.  It was such a nice celebration.  My parents and sister came to town to help celebrate for the week.  On Friday, my hometown friend took me to lunch.  Then, on Saturday, Wade and I were able to golf, watch the Husker game, go out for dinner and drinks, and stay at a hotel while my parents and Ali watched the kids.  Then, when we came home, the house was decorated with many special touches.  We had grilled steaks and yummy Costco cake.  Then, on my actual birthday, we went out for breakfast to Sam's and dinner to the Bull n Bush.  On Tuesday, Ali and I enjoyed a nice hike in Estes Park.  I am so thankful to have such a wonderful family that cares so much.
 Friday lunch at Wahoo's

 Flowers from Wade
 Mimosas for golf
 2 rounds at the Kennedy Par 3
 Brax telling Aunt Ali he's ready for Toy's R Us

 Aunt Ali meeting Hadley
 Husker game- too bad they lost in overtime

 Brax having fun blowing bubbles

 at the top of a hotel having drinks looking at the view

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