Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Three Months

You can really lift and turn your head when you do tummy time.

You smile back at us a lot.  You like to talk to us, too.

You go to bed around 9:00 and are up around 3:00 and 6:00 to eat.  However, you have skipped the 3:00 feeding a few times.  You will usually sleep until 8 or 9.  Sometimes, you laugh while you are sleeping.

You are still breastfeeding well and will take a bottle when I am gone even though you don't like it as much.  You are a good eater.

You really look at bright lights and the tv.

We go for runs on the days that Brax goes to school.

You visited Nebraska for the first time and met Aunt Jill, GG, Uncle Mike, Aunt Kelly, and your Nebraska cousins.

You are so much more aware!  You like to look around at everything.

You make a smacking noise with your tongue.

You are always stuffed up in the morning.  I have to suction your nose every morning.

You blow spit bubbles with your mouth.

You like to suck on your thumb a lot especially when you are tired.

You really like to play on your playmat and look at yourself in the mirror.  You can really grab the rings and pull them off sometimes.  You like to kick, too.

You take off your socks since you like to grab onto your feet.

You smile when you hear Braxton's voice.

You rolled over once from your back to stomach while you were sleeping.

You are a very happy baby!  We love you!

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