Sunday, January 17, 2016

7 Months

January 15, 2016

I totally forgot to put her bow on for this picture.  Oh well!  She's pretty cute bald.  

You are eating food for dinner every night.  We are doing baby led weaning so you feed yourself.  We cut the food into long thick strips.  Some things you have tried are yogurt, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, red peppers, toast, pancakes, and apples.  You really like apples and yogurt.  It is quite messy!  We will now start breakfast, too.

You are still breastfeeding well.  We will see how long I can keep up with you.

You still smile every time you see us.  You really smile when you see Brax.  He loves you so much.  He always wants to go see you right when you wake up and always reminds us to not forget you when we are going somewhere.

You go to bed around 7:00-7:30.  You sleep until about 5:30 when you wake up to eat.  Then, you sleep until 7:30.  You get up when Brax gets up.  You have started rolling over and sleeping on your stomach.

You are a good napper.  When you are tired, you go to sleep right away on your own.  You usually take a longer mid morning nap and a shorter afternoon nap.

You still suck your thumb when you are upset or tired.  You even have figured out how to suck your thumb while sleeping on your stomach.

We spent Christmas in Nebraska.  

You got baptized the day after Christmas in Valley at St. John's Catholic Church.  

The Husker football team won their first bowl game that you watched.  The Husker volleyball team won the National Championship.

You will roll to grab different objects we lay out on the floor.  You really like to reach for balls.

You always want to be grabbing things.  

You can sit up well on your own for awhile.  

You love to bounce in your exersaucer.  

You still say DaDa and babble.  Sometimes, you yell really loud.  

You rarely ever cry.  It is easy to take you places.

You have stopped spitting up so much.

I love spending the weekends with you and Brax.  I love you so so much!

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