Thursday, April 18, 2013

Grandpa Stan and Grandma

Grandpa Stan and Grandma decided to come visit us one more time before I went back to work.  We are glad they are retired and have the freedom to come visit when they want as long as the weather doesn't require Dad to be in the fields.  We went to church on Sunday and had Brax's two month doctor appointment and shots on Monday.  Otherwise, we mostly just hung out at home especially with the snow.  My dad did babysit some while Mom and I went shopping.  She had to stock up on the frozen Swedish pancakes at Ikea.  Also, they babysat while I had three cavities filled.  I still have two more to be done in May.  Pregnancy is not kind to your teeth!  Thank you for coming to visit again!  We love you!

After we went to church

Brax's grandma shirt

Grandpa and Brax in their matching Nebraska stocking hats

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