Monday, April 15, 2013

Two Months

Brax turned two months old on Saturday!

Notes from month two:

You weigh 9 pounds and measure 22 inches long.  You are in the 2nd percentile for weight and 10th percentile for height and 30th percentile for head.  You are a little baby still, but growing well.

You like to lay on your play mat and look at yourself in the mirror along with the animals.  You can hit the rings that hang under the animals with your hands.  You also will grab onto my shirt and hair.

You don't seem to mind baths once you feel the warm water.  It will be nice to not use the sling when you get a little sturdier.  I think you will like being immersed in the water.

You still have the hole in your heart.  We are planning on doing your surgery in June.  I am not looking forward to that day.  It will be so hard to see you with all the tubes and lines.  It makes me almost cry just thinking about it.  I am glad you will be too young to remember anything.

You met Grandpa Lyle.  He flew out to see you for a week.

You met Grammy and Aunt Jill and Great Aunt Jerri.  We rented a car and drove halfway to meet them in Ogallala at Valentino's along with Nana.

Grandpa Stan and Grandma came to visit you again.

You do well when we go out to eat.  We leave after I feed you so you usually sleep the entire time.

We read to you every day.  We play with your toys and sing songs every day.  My favorite book that I read to you is Mama Loves You by Caroline Stutson.

You go to sleep around 11:00 every night and get up around 3:00 and 6:00 to eat before waking up around 9:00.  You stay up and nap around 4:00 or 5:00 for a few hours.  Then, you are up until bedtime. Sometimes, you moan in your sleep which wakes me up.  Sometimes, I hold you when you wake up at 6 for a few hours while you sleep.

You have stopped scratching your face.

You had your two month shots.   You cried for a few minutes and then fell asleep.

You get whiny when you are really tired and need to go to sleep.

You have been breastfeeding well still and will take a bottle when I am gone.

You have been smiling more and more each day.

You follow objects with your eyes and look at faces.

We dressed you up for St. Patrick's Day and Easter and took pictures.

You blow bubbles with your spit sometimes.

You put your lips together when you pout.  I think it makes you look like a turtle.

We have gone on three runs with the jogging stroller.  You just hang out or fall asleep.  I am glad you like to run with me.  We still go on walks with the baby carrier, too.

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