Saturday, September 21, 2013

7 Months

September 13, 2013

You are celebrating your first Friday, the 13th, by turning 7 months old!  You will have your golden birthday on Friday, the 13th, too.  We will have to have quite the frightful celebration!

You are eating baby food for dinner every night.  You have a fruit, vegetable, and rice cereal.  We have tried turkey a few times, but it is not as smooth as the fruits and vegetables so it makes me nervous giving you too much until you get a little bit older.  You eat in your high chair.

You are still breastfeeding.  I am not pumping as much as you eat during the day so we have been using the freezer supply.  We will probably have to do a few bottles of formula every day in about a month.  You started hitting yourself in the head while you nurse.  I'm hoping this is just something new you discovered.

You still smile a lot.  It is so fun to see.  You still are so cute when you laugh hysterically.  I love it when I get home and put you on our bed and lay by you and tickle you.  You just laugh and laugh and laugh.

You go to bed around 7:00-7:30.  You sleep until about 3:30-4:00 when you wake up to eat.  Then, you sleep until 7:00.

You are not a good napper.  We are lucky to get two naps in the day for about an hour each.  Sometimes, they are even shorter.

You started daycare.  You did fine the first day, but have been crying when I pick you up since.  We might just start having a babysitter come to the house instead.

Grandpa Lyle and Grandma Mary Beth came to visit.

You watched your first Husker game.

You went to your first Rockies game.

You started swim classes at the local YMCA.  You don't cry when you are dunked under water although the water is a little cold for you.

You will roll and scoot until you grab different objects we lay out on the floor.

You will say "Mama" when I say "Mama" to you.  I'm not sure when you will realize that's me!

You put one of your soft books over your face when you are on the floor for a bit.

Your first tooth has just barely broken through on the middle bottom of your mouth.

You rarely ever cry anymore.  It is easy to take you places.

I miss you so much when I am at work all week.  I love spending the weekends with you.  I love you so so much!

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