Saturday, September 21, 2013

My First Birthday with Brax

This birthday celebration definitely meant a lot more, and we celebrated quite a bit differently.  It was my first birthday with Brax!  I had such a lovely day.  I woke up and laid in bed with Brax and Wade for a bit.  He is just so smiley in the morning, and it's nice to be able to just enjoy it and not be in a rush like the mornings I have to go to work.  Then, I went for my 8 mile run.  Just three more weeks of training left until the half!  Afterwards, I showered and then went to the mall for a few hours.  I bought a few dresses and a pair of pants for myself.  The mall had great sales along with my birthday coupons.  My last stop was Gymboree.  The clearance was 30% off, and I had a 20% off coupon so I stocked up on all the winter clothes we will need for Brax.  I was pretty proud of my deals.

I got home and watched the rest of the Nebraska game.  Thankfully, we won by quite a bit and could leave early for dinner.  Brax was a little whiney, but he was fine once we sat him in the high chair at Red Lobster.  Thanks, Mom and Dad for the gift card!  We ate so much and were so full.  After dinner, we stopped by Hobby Lobby and DSW.  I had to get some shoes to go with my new pants!

Everyone was so nice with all of my birthday wishes, cards, and gifts!  Wade's mom sent an Origami Owl necklace with the letters B and W along with a cross and Brax's birthstone.  I can't wait to wear it.  Jill sent a gift card to Hobby Lobby.  I bought a nice cross to hang in our bedroom along with some Halloween ribbon for some treats I am making.  I still have some left to spend later.  My parents sent some money I will put towards my new hair do I plan on getting at the end of October.  Wade bought me a gift card for a pedi/mani that I will use after I get my hair done since it is next door.  That will be quite a nice day!

At dinner tonight, Wade said it wasn't a very "exciting" birthday especially for a Saturday birthday.  I was so perfectly happy with my day.  I said if we didn't have Brax, I would be so depressed on my birthday that we didn't have kids, yet.  Spending a birthday with my family sure beats going out and celebrating at a bar.

Brax went to bed around 8.  We will see if he gives me a nice birthday present and sleeps in an extra hour.  :)

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