Friday, September 27, 2013

Stomach Bug

I called Wade on my way to an after school training on Thursday.  He said Brax had been throwing up since 3:00.  He gave Brax a bath since he found him in his crib lying in his vomit.  Poor Buddy!  I got home at about 6:00.  He was just throwing up saliva.  We gave him some Enfalyte, but he threw that up, too.  I called the after hours number which gave us a nurse at the children's hospital.  She told us to feed him small amounts every 5 minutes.  However, after she heard his medical history of open heart surgery, she paged our pediatrician.  I admit it was nice to talk to him although unnecessary.  Brax finally fell asleep at about 9:00.  He woke up at 1:00 and tolerated 3 ounces of Enfalyte.  Then, he went back asleep until 5:45 when he breastfed.  I am so glad it was a short lived virus.  It definitely is hard to see your child sick especially when they can't tell you how they feel.  It was so nice to see Brax in a good mood today!  Here he is on the way to dinner.  It was pretty cool out today that a hat was necessary.  He looks pretty cute!  Thanks to Brady and Cece for the hand me down hat!

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