Saturday, September 28, 2013

Gymboree and Church

I seriously may have to enter rehab one day for my new addiction of shopping at Gymboree.  It is my absolute favorite store to buy Brax's clothes.  I always hit the sales with my coupons so it is just as cheap or cheaper than Carter's although Carter's does have the best pajamas.  I love the truck line they had that is currently on clearance.  Here is Brax in one outfit from that line.  We have many more pieces from that line.  They will be his outfits he wears this winter when we go out and about along with some of the football outfits from Gymboree.  I took this picture before we went to church today.  Of course, we took the hat off before we went into the church.  My mom said he looks so much like Wade when I sent her this picture.  The second picture is what Brax decided to do during Mass.  I may just have to ground him.  :)

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