Sunday, September 29, 2013

Farm Animals

I never in my life thought I would so often on a regular basis be speaking animal farm talk.  It seems as though almost every book that we have for Brax has some sort of animal in it.  A majority of them seem to be farm animals.  Needless to say, I am constantly making animal noises.  I will be highly offended if Brax does not know animals sounds when he starts to speak.  Here is a good book that we like to read often although I am not quite sure why the book is called Moo when there isn't a picture of a cow on the cover.  The author also created a dog and cat book which is good, too.  I will have to see if there are more out by the author.  Brax likes them because they have a ton of touch and feel pages along with pages that have flaps.  He is getting pretty good at opening flaps in books.

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