Sunday, August 24, 2014


I am not sure when, but I first learned of ALS when reading about Steve Gleason.  He played college football and for the New Orleans Saints.  In 2006, he blocked a punt in the New Orleans Superdome making it the play for the first score in over 21 months since Hurricane Katrina.  They won unexpectedly and had a great season with a rebirth for the city.  I have followed his blog and his story.  He has a wife and almost three-year-old son who love him so much.  They endured the pain of infertility like us, too before the ALS diagnosis.  I cannot imagine losing all control of my body while my mind stays intact.  I know there are so many causes to give to in the world, but I am happy to donate to ALS and see it being recognized worldwide.  I know some people are tired of seeing the challenge on social media, but I guarantee if those people had ALS, they would never think this way.  Brax didn't know what to think when I dumped the bucket on my head, but he wanted to watch the video on my phone over and over tonight.  He kept grabbing my phone and saying wet.  Prayers to everyone with ALS!  We are thinking and praying for you always!

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