Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Busy Day

We had a day full of activities.  We started off the day with a 7 a.m. playdate with the 9 month old twins, Eliza and Emmett, from next door.  Then, we went to Target to pick up a few things and headed to Brax's school to drop off a donation of books and shorts.  Then, Brax went to his first dental appointment.  He would not open his mouth at all and didn't quite know what to do with his first sucker.  They recommended a toothpaste and said to come back in a year, and we'd try again.  Since our dentist is downtown, we met Wade for lunch afterwards and enjoyed some pizza although Brax only ate a pouch and some french fries.  Then, we went home for a nap.  After nap, we met our other neighbor and her one month old son for yogurt ice cream.  A new Yogurtland opened up by us and was serving free yogurt ice cream and toppings today.  Brax really wanted a balloon a.ka. ball.  It gave his football a break for a bit.
 Brax still has bed head
 on the way to the dentist
 in front of the dentist's office

 at lunch with Dada

 our lunchtime drawings
 at Yogurtland

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