Sunday, August 10, 2014

The End of Summer :(

I am so so sad that summer is coming to a close.  We have one week left before all the craziness begins.  This weekend, I was able to go for a long run and have an acupuncture appointment, Wade was able to golf, Brax got another new toy and some balls, and we spent time with friends and neighbors.  We tried to pack all we could in the weekend.  I have to work three days this week.  I am thankful I have off Thursday and Friday to get in some more time with Brax.  I have had so much fun with him this summer, and I am going to miss him so so much!  Also, it is nice that Wade has Friday off of work, and we get to spend the upcoming weekend with Grandpa Lyle without having to worry about work or school obligations, yet.  Then, the following Monday, Brax starts daycare full time, I start work full time, and Wade starts school full time along with his full time job.  It is going to be hard to be away from Brax and have Wade gone every night of the week in class.  It'll be a shock to all of us.  I didn't get many pictures from the weekend, but managed to get a few of Brax at dinner.  We went to Freddy's steakburgers.  It was delicious!  Brax kept asking for more and more of Wade's strawberry shake.  When that was gone, he kept asking for more and more of my chocolate shake.  He managed to eat plenty of fries along with some bites of a burger and grilled cheese.  Not the healthiest dinner, but we had a good time!

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