Friday, August 8, 2014

Fun Friday

Brax woke up, and he probably thinks it is Christmas.  On our date last night, we stopped at Toys R Us to use my reward money and got him an indoor hoop, Elmo slippers, and some stars.  He loves the hoop of course, but was not a fan of wearing slippers.  We still need to put the stars up in his room.  After we played inside and outside this morning, we went on a walk to The Dollar Tree and Back on the Rack, a kids consignment store a few blocks away.  At The Dollar Tree, we got a football water bottle, basketball water bottle, bath books, a water shooter, and some balloons.  Then, at Back on the Rack, we found a Sesame Street kitchen for $10 and an Elmo house with characters for $3.50.  I just couldn't pass up those deals.  I'm sure we looked like quite the site walking home with balloons attached to the stroller and me carrying a play kitchen.  Lots of fun new things to play with!

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