Monday, August 4, 2014


I am so glad that Brax is such a talker!  I can't even keep track of all the words he knows, now.  We can pretty much tell him something once or twice, and he picks up on it.  Today, at lunch, he kept repeating the word "Gogurt" while he was eating one.  He really likes telling us when things are wet or making things wet in his water table.  The other night, he got food on his football.  The nanny washed it off and dried it with a kitchen towel and told him it was dry.  Today, he went to get the kitchen towel, wiped his football, and told me it was dry.  Also, I really like all the sound effects he copies from Wade.  It is pretty cute when he needs help and says, "Help me!"  It is so fun watching him learn so many new things!  I will have to try and get a video of him talking soon.  However, just like when we ask him to talk for other people or for the camera, he tends to not talk.  Typical kid! :)

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