Sunday, June 30, 2013

Meeting Uncle Matt

At the beginning of June, Wade's mom came out to visit for the week.  Wade's brother, Matt, flew out to visit, too.  This was the first time that Brax met his Uncle Matt.  We grilled, and Matt and Jodi treated us out to dinner and breakfast.  We had a nice time visiting and just hanging out around our house.


The Bad Bad Squirrel

Last Saturday, Wade went golfing.  During the summer, I become a golf widow although at least I have Brax to spend the day with now.  Anyway, Brax and I decided to take an afternoon nap together before we went to church.  About an hour into our nap, I woke up to a scratching nose.  I thought someone was trying to break in.  When I got up, I saw a squirrel spread out on the window screen above the kitchen sink.  I hit the window, and it ran away.  I didn't think much else of it until we returned home from church.  Well, when we returned, there was a hole in the window screen.   We had the window opened so the squirrel ate a hole through the screen and got into our bread bags on the counter.  I couldn't believe it!  I figure the squirrel went back out through the hole since the screen was pushed back out.  My friend said I should just make sure and not keep any food near Brax in case it was still in the house.  Oh, that bad bad squirrel!


Every Wednesday night in the summer, there is a bluegrass concert in the park next to our house.  We decided to stroll on over and give it a try.  Our neighbors went with us.  It was a fun time!  At first, the music put Brax to sleep.  Then, he woke up and took everything in.  He cried for about 10 minutes, but it was nice to be able to just walk to the back of the park where no one could hear him.  We took a picnic of fruit, cheese, crackers, dessert, and a few drinks.  We will definitely try it again!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

My Beautiful Boy

Soon after Brax was born, I watched the finale of "The New Normal."  They had a boy, and this song played after the birth.  It made me cry, and Brax smiles when I sing it to him.  Brax, you are my beautiful boy!

Here's the original by John Lennon:

Father's Day

For Wade's first Father's Day, we were still in the hospital from Brax's heart surgery.  I gave Wade a card from Brax and me.  I just loved the card from Brax since we do call him Buddy all the time.  Wade's sister also sent him a really cute card from Brax.

Also, I deciphered Brax's baby talk into the following:

10 Reasons I Love My Daddy

1.  He loves me so much.

2.  He takes naps and snuggles with me.

3.  He lets me watch as much tv as I want.

4.  He does not let me have a wet or dirty diaper for very long at all.

5.  He does not let me cry for very long ever.

6.  He strokes my head to calm me down.

7.  He is excited to teach me how to golf and play basketball.

8.  He bought me Nuggets shirts.

9.  He plays with me.

10.  He would do anything for me.

Happy First Father's Day, Babe!  I hope you have a great day!  You are a wonderful father, and Brax is lucky to have you in his life.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Hospital

I am so glad Brax's heart surgery went so well!  Wade and I were pretty emotional when we had to hand him off to the nurse.  It was nice that the nurse was a good friend of a friend so we knew her.  Throughout the morning, we received updates from her via text and from the heart surgeon's nurse.  It was such a relief when Brax was off bypass, and his heart was beating on its own.  

After the surgery, we saw Brax for a few minutes.  Then, we had to wait about 45 minutes for the nurses and doctors to get everything set up for him in the PICU.  Then, we spent the rest of the time with him.  It was hard to see him so lifeless.  He cried most of the night which was hard, too.  Wade and I took turns holding his hand and putting our hand on his head.  The next day, he seemed to be better and actually ate pretty well.  Then, on Thursday, he slept most of the day and barely ate.  Finally, on Friday, he smiled and stayed awake for play time.  It was so nice to see his personality again.  Wade and I started rotating the nights.  I have never been so emotionally and physically exhausted.  Hopefully, the eating will pick up some.

He progressed very well except for his drainage.  He developed chylothorax which means we have to stay in the hospital longer than expected since it takes longer to drain.  We are hoping the drain will be removed on Monday, and we can go home Tuesday.  Also, he has to be on a fat free diet so I have to pump, and we have to separate the fat from my milk for a month.  It'll be so nice when the month is over, and we can start breastfeeding again.

Here Brax is right before heart surgery.  He looks pretty cute in his hospital gown!
Right after surgery, in the PICU
The day after surgery.  It felt so good to hold him!

The first night, he scratched his face so much trying to get out the tube in his nose so we had to put some hand mittens on him.
Two days after surgery, on his four month birtday- 6-13-13
Being held by Grandma
Smiling three days after surgery
and sleeping
Four days after surgery

Friday, June 14, 2013

Four Months

You weigh 9.5 pounds still and are 24.5 inches long.  I can't wait for you to start gaining some more weight.

You went on your first airplane ride to Nebraska, and we stayed with Grandpa Stan and Grandma.  It was your first trip to the farm.

You were baptized at St. John's Catholic Church in Valley, Nebraska.  It is the same church where Grandma was baptized.

You like to make noises.  Sometimes, you have a high pitch shrill type of voice.

You smile the most when we look at you and smile.  You smile when I kiss you.

You had heart surgery.  Everything went well.  You are such a strong little boy!

You can really grab things and often grab the blanket you are laying on.  You really like to grab your plastic rings that we have attached your seats and play mat.  You often put your hands together.  You like to put the blanket, rings, and your hands in your mouth.

You really like to suck on your hands.  I think you might be getting some teeth.

You have found your toes.  You grab onto them and have put them in your mouth a few times.

When you go to bed, you sleep for five-six hours.  You usually go to bed between 10 and 11.  Then, you are up every 2-3 hours afterwards.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Our Anniversary

Three years ago, Wade and I were married in Kauai, Hawaii.  It was a beautiful day, and I am so glad we got married.  We had no idea what was in store for the future.  Marriage is definitely not like what you see in the movies.  We have had our ups and downs.  We have survived the trials and tribulations that infertility, unemployment, and going back to school brings.  Even though the past three years have not always been the easiest, there have been great moments of joy.  Most of all, our first child was born, and I can't imagine a day that will bring greater joy other than having another baby.  What I enjoy most about marriage is having a friend that goes through life with you.  Happy Anniversary Babe!  I love you!  Hopefully, next year, we will be back in Hawaii to celebrate!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Play Set

Well, we jumped the gun just a little and bought Brax a play set.  I figure he will be able to swing this fall.  Growing up, we always had a play set in our backyard, and I remember playing on it so much.  I loved the monkey bars and trapeze bar.  I thought flipping was just so fun.  Also, I really loved watching gymnastics and trying out what I could on the bars.  I just want to have as many opportunities for Brax to love his home and spend time outside.  With the basketball court and play set, we should be able to make some pretty good memories for him.  Also, I think anytime you have to have open heart surgery, you should get a pretty big gift!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Heart Surgery

I don't even know how to begin.  Brax is having open heart surgery exactly a week from today.  He has a very common heart defect so I am grateful that it is a very simple straightforward surgery, but still, my baby is having open heart surgery!

Brax has a hole in his heart called vsd which we knew about when I was pregnant.  The hole is large enough that it will not close on its own.  We are thankful he hasn't been too symptomatic before surgery.  His weight gain has been slow, but nothing too major with lack of eating until the past week.  If they did not patch the hole, he would have difficulty feeding and growing.  I am so ready to see him eat well again.  I hope he does okay this week before the surgery and stays hydrated.  Being a mommy is so stressful right now!  We feel as though we are in very good hands with our cardiologist and heart surgeon.

I know God will be with him the entire time.  I do have a few St. John of God cards and medallions.  I hung one in his crib and carry one with me.  He is the patron saint for heart patients.  I feel this is also a sign since my grandpa's name was John.  I know Brax will also have all his angels in heaven watching out for him.

I am nervous and scared because I can't imagine my life without him.  I am glad the surgery has such good success rates.  I just want the surgery to be over and to be back with Brax in the recovery room.  It will be so hard to see him with all the tubes and lines.  I am glad babies recover so quickly compared to adults.  Also, I am glad he won't remember any of this.  I just hope he never is in too much pain.

Be strong Brax!  We will be thinking of you and praying for you the entire time.  We will be waiting for you and will be with you as soon as we can and stay with you the entire time you are in the hospital.  When it's all over, I promise we will have a great fun summer together!  We love you!


I love these two boys more than anything!  It's so nice being a family!


We flew back to Nebraska over Memorial Day for Brax's baptism.  He was baptized in the same church where my mom was baptized.  This is the church my mom's parents were an instrumental part in building.  They were very active members of the church.  They believed and practiced the Catholic faith which is now being passed down to Brax.  My great great grandfather was an original founder.  He was tired of driving his horse and buggy so far to the neighboring town in Fremont so he started the Catholic church in Valley.  My grandfather couldn't marry the first person he asked because she would not become Catholic.  I am glad because we all wouldn't be who were are if it wasn't for my grandma.  When I converted, my Great Aunt Edna said my grandparents would have been so happy.  My Aunt Diane said they would have been pleased as punch to see Brax be baptized there.

My friend, Father Ryan, baptized Brax which meant a lot to me.  During the Mass, Father Ryan had some special words to say about Brax during his homily.  Brax cried for a few minutes at the beginning of Mass, but he was very quiet during the rest of the service.  Then, we had the baptism following the Mass.  Brax was pretty good and only cried a bit at the end.  He actually smiled at me after the water was poured over his head, and he had a big smile for Father Ryan when he held him after the baptism for pictures.  My niece, Ava, who is two added some excitement to the end of the baptism.  She grabbed the tall lit candle in front of the baptismal font.  Luckily, someone was quick to react and held onto the candle.  She was pretty scared by all the commotion.

My sister, Ali, and brother, Mike, were one set of godparents.  The other set of godparents were Wade's cousin, Phil, and his wife, Stacey.  We are thankful to have them be a special part of Brax's life.

Needless to say, it was a very special day.  We had many people attend who met Brax for the first time.    I think there were about 45 people there.  It was quite the celebration.  We had Hy-Vee cater the dinner, and my elementary school teacher made the cakes.  Thank you Mom and Dad for all the hard work especially with the reception!

On the way to church
The Baptism

Proud Mom and Dad
From left to right:  Godparents:  Stacey and Phil Haussler, Mike Gitt, Ali Gitt, Father Ryan Lewis with Braxton, Angie, and Wade

Godparents:  Phil and Stacey Haussler

Godparent:  Ali Gitt
Godparent:  Mike Gitt
The Reception:

My best friend, Kirsten with her family- hopefully, Brax's future wife
Nana and Aunt Jill
The Guest of Honor
Meeting Great Great Aunt Irene

 Finally at home with Grandpa and Grandma- what an eventful day!