Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Bad Bad Squirrel

Last Saturday, Wade went golfing.  During the summer, I become a golf widow although at least I have Brax to spend the day with now.  Anyway, Brax and I decided to take an afternoon nap together before we went to church.  About an hour into our nap, I woke up to a scratching nose.  I thought someone was trying to break in.  When I got up, I saw a squirrel spread out on the window screen above the kitchen sink.  I hit the window, and it ran away.  I didn't think much else of it until we returned home from church.  Well, when we returned, there was a hole in the window screen.   We had the window opened so the squirrel ate a hole through the screen and got into our bread bags on the counter.  I couldn't believe it!  I figure the squirrel went back out through the hole since the screen was pushed back out.  My friend said I should just make sure and not keep any food near Brax in case it was still in the house.  Oh, that bad bad squirrel!

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