Tuesday, June 4, 2013


We flew to Nebraska for Brax's baptism.  This was his first airplane ride.  We stayed with Grandpa Stan and Grandma.  It was Brax's first trip to the farm.  Also, it was the first time Brax met his Aunt Ali, Uncle Mike, and Aunt Kelly.  Also, he met his cousins, Gina, Brendan, Emerson, Aiden, and Ava.

For the weekend, my mom's sister was in town.  Brax met his Great Aunt Diane and Great Uncle Greg.  My cousins, Sarah and Elisa, were also along.  Elisa brought her three kids.  There were a lot of people staying at my parent's house, but it was so good to be able to see everyone since we don't get to see them very often.

At the baptism, Brax met his Great Aunt Ellen, Great Uncle Dan, Great Aunt Joey, Great Uncle Dave, Great Great Aunt Irene, Great Uncle Dee, and our cousins, Phil and Stacey, Joe and Staci, and their kids.  Also, he met my best friend, Kirsten and her family.  Her daughter, Sloane, is two years old, and hopefully, one day, they might be married.  That would be convenient for us!

We went to Mike and Kelly's house to celebrate my dad's birthday and retirement.  Brax was definitely not used to the noise that five children can make.  It was hard for him to relax and sleep when he wanted to sleep.  When we got home, there was a tornado warning at about 1:00 in the morning.  We all went down to the basement.  The laughter created by Dad and Mom making shadow animals on the wall woke up Brax.  Everything was fine except a blown over plant pot and a shutter that fell off the house.

It was a very nice weekend!  It is always so great to be around family!

Brax wearing his John Deere outfit with Grandpa

Hanging out with Grandma

Meeting Aunt Ali

First Cousins
The Gitt Family- missing Adam and Sophia
The Girls
With Dad
My sister is very creative!  She made this sign.
Meeting Great Aunt Ellen

 First Cousins- Ali and I don't look too bad for being in our pajamas!
 My mom's sister and her family

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