Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Hospital

I am so glad Brax's heart surgery went so well!  Wade and I were pretty emotional when we had to hand him off to the nurse.  It was nice that the nurse was a good friend of a friend so we knew her.  Throughout the morning, we received updates from her via text and from the heart surgeon's nurse.  It was such a relief when Brax was off bypass, and his heart was beating on its own.  

After the surgery, we saw Brax for a few minutes.  Then, we had to wait about 45 minutes for the nurses and doctors to get everything set up for him in the PICU.  Then, we spent the rest of the time with him.  It was hard to see him so lifeless.  He cried most of the night which was hard, too.  Wade and I took turns holding his hand and putting our hand on his head.  The next day, he seemed to be better and actually ate pretty well.  Then, on Thursday, he slept most of the day and barely ate.  Finally, on Friday, he smiled and stayed awake for play time.  It was so nice to see his personality again.  Wade and I started rotating the nights.  I have never been so emotionally and physically exhausted.  Hopefully, the eating will pick up some.

He progressed very well except for his drainage.  He developed chylothorax which means we have to stay in the hospital longer than expected since it takes longer to drain.  We are hoping the drain will be removed on Monday, and we can go home Tuesday.  Also, he has to be on a fat free diet so I have to pump, and we have to separate the fat from my milk for a month.  It'll be so nice when the month is over, and we can start breastfeeding again.

Here Brax is right before heart surgery.  He looks pretty cute in his hospital gown!
Right after surgery, in the PICU
The day after surgery.  It felt so good to hold him!

The first night, he scratched his face so much trying to get out the tube in his nose so we had to put some hand mittens on him.
Two days after surgery, on his four month birtday- 6-13-13
Being held by Grandma
Smiling three days after surgery
and sleeping
Four days after surgery

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