Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

For Wade's first Father's Day, we were still in the hospital from Brax's heart surgery.  I gave Wade a card from Brax and me.  I just loved the card from Brax since we do call him Buddy all the time.  Wade's sister also sent him a really cute card from Brax.

Also, I deciphered Brax's baby talk into the following:

10 Reasons I Love My Daddy

1.  He loves me so much.

2.  He takes naps and snuggles with me.

3.  He lets me watch as much tv as I want.

4.  He does not let me have a wet or dirty diaper for very long at all.

5.  He does not let me cry for very long ever.

6.  He strokes my head to calm me down.

7.  He is excited to teach me how to golf and play basketball.

8.  He bought me Nuggets shirts.

9.  He plays with me.

10.  He would do anything for me.

Happy First Father's Day, Babe!  I hope you have a great day!  You are a wonderful father, and Brax is lucky to have you in his life.

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