Friday, June 14, 2013

Four Months

You weigh 9.5 pounds still and are 24.5 inches long.  I can't wait for you to start gaining some more weight.

You went on your first airplane ride to Nebraska, and we stayed with Grandpa Stan and Grandma.  It was your first trip to the farm.

You were baptized at St. John's Catholic Church in Valley, Nebraska.  It is the same church where Grandma was baptized.

You like to make noises.  Sometimes, you have a high pitch shrill type of voice.

You smile the most when we look at you and smile.  You smile when I kiss you.

You had heart surgery.  Everything went well.  You are such a strong little boy!

You can really grab things and often grab the blanket you are laying on.  You really like to grab your plastic rings that we have attached your seats and play mat.  You often put your hands together.  You like to put the blanket, rings, and your hands in your mouth.

You really like to suck on your hands.  I think you might be getting some teeth.

You have found your toes.  You grab onto them and have put them in your mouth a few times.

When you go to bed, you sleep for five-six hours.  You usually go to bed between 10 and 11.  Then, you are up every 2-3 hours afterwards.

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