Monday, August 19, 2013

6 Months


My baby is half a year old!  How did this happen?!

You weigh 12 pounds 9 ounces.  You are 25 inches long.  Your head is 17 inches.

You have become so much stronger.  You can roll from front to back and back to front even four times in a row.  You can push yourself up on your stomach, and you can hold your head up at all times.

You like to blow raspberries and have us blow them back to you.

You go to bed at about 8:30 and are up around 2:00 and 5:00 to eat before you are up around 7:30 for the day.  I am so ready for you to sleep through the night.  The doctor says you have to sleep 8 hours without food to grow well so we are going to start letting you cry it out for the first time you get up.

Your nipple started to bleed some from extra estrogen in my breast milk.  The doctor says you are fine, and it will stop in a few weeks.

You are still breastfeeding.  We started rice cereal and green beans with you.  You don't really seem to care one way or the other about it all.

You went to Nebraska to visit both sides of the family.  It was your first time to visit Henderson, NE.  Aunt Jill really wanted to show you off.

You spent your first night away from us.  Daddy went back to Denver early, and I went to Kansas City to visit Kirsten.  You did very well for Grandpa and Grandma.

You don't cry very much at all anymore.  You whine some when you get tired and hungry.

You like to smile.  You smile a lot for people.  It is so fun when you laugh hysterically.

You really like to kick and move your legs.

Grandpa Lyle came to visit and helped with your 6 month photo shoot.

You like to go outside and watch the leaves move.

You like to read books especially the ones that are touch and feel.

We went to a wedding and Theresa babysat you for the day.  You did very well and only cried before you went to sleep.

You are so much fun to be around!  I miss you so much when I am at work all day.  I love you so much!

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