Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Well, Brax started daycare last week.  He was only there about an hour the first day.  The daycare lady said he was such an easy baby and just watched everyone and drank his bottle.  However, when he went this week for about 2.5 hours that was not the case.  I picked him up and his eyes were red from crying.  She said he would cry if she sat down with him and she had to hold him and stand up to keep him happy.  Hopefully, he adjusts.  I am glad Wade is home with him most of the week because I'd feel really guilty if he was in daycare every day all day.  Wade's class was cancelled tomorrow and Monday is Labor Day so he has a week off before trying again.  Here are a few pictures we got yesterday before he started crying.  When I picked him up, the girl in the bottom picture said, "That baby is just so cute!"  I'd have to agree.

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