Wednesday, August 7, 2013

First Cousins

We definitely were not very good about getting a picture with the cousins because this is all I had from the visit.  We were at Valentino's to celebrate Gina's 14th birthday.  Brax's cousins do take an interest in him.  Ava, the youngest, always wants to touch him especially his head.  Emerson was nice enough to remind her to be gentle.  Emerson just liked to stare at him and touch his toes.  Aiden would give him a few glances, but likes to be engulfed in whatever he is into at the time.  Brendan thought it was pretty cool to have staring contests with Brax and thought that he was quite good at staring without blinking.  Gina made him smile.  She has had lots of practice with her younger siblings.  Hopefully, the next time we see them Brax will be able to be a little more interactive.  Hopefully, one day, he will meet his other first cousin, Sophia, who lives in Japan.  

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