Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Blowing Raspberries

I know I haven't blogged forever.  We went to Nebraska for a few weeks, and my parents internet service is too slow to even attempt blogging.  Then, Brax and I flew back, and I had to work for the next three days and get ready for our summer party.  I have a lot of blogging to catch up one.  I decided to start with some videos since that's an easy way to start.  I will get our Nebraska trip blogged about soon.  Sorry to disappoint my die hard followers- the three of you!  :)

Anyway, while in Nebraska at my parent's house, Brax started blowing raspberries.  Wade had left early so he didn't get to experience it right when it happened, and he is the one probably most responsible for this since he has been blowing them at Brax for awhile.  Brax likes when we blow them back to him.  He thinks it's pretty silly.  Here he is blowing raspberries for one of the first times.

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