Friday, August 16, 2013


When we went back to Nebraska, we stayed with Wade's mom first for three nights.  We hung out at her new house with Grammy and Jill.  We made a trip to Wal-Mart.  On Sunday, Aunt Jerri and Uncle Dee came over with Phil and Stacey and their three boys.  We had a good time and ate lots of good food.  On Monday, Jodi and I went to the pool for water aerobics while Wade visited Grammy with Brax.  I really enjoyed my first water aerobics class.  Wade brought Brax over after the class for a swim.  It was his first time in a real pool.  I'm not sure he really knew what to think, but he didn't seem to mind too much.  Nana also has a dog so it was the first time Brax was really around a dog for an extended period of time.  Brax and Izzie pretty much ignored each other most of the time.  I am sure the next time we visit he will be more excited about her.  I am not sure how we didn't get a picture of Brax and Nana together.  We have to be better about that when we visit!  I was not very happy with Wade since he is in charge of pictures!  Sorry, Nana!  Next time, we will have a Nana and Brax photo shoot.

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