Sunday, August 18, 2013

Real Food

Brax has started to eat real food!  We started rice cereal the week of August 4th.  Then, we started green beans about a week ago, bananas three days ago, and we will try sweet potatoes tonight.  He doesn't seem to really care one way or another about it.  Sometimes, he eats, and sometimes, he just plays.  He seems to enjoy sitting in his bouncy chair and the whole process.  He babbles the entire time I feed him, and tonight, he thought it was pretty funny to put his toe in his mouth after every bite.  I feed him at about 6:00 each night.  We will start breakfast at month seven and lunch at month eight.  Eventually, he will have a fruit, vegetable, and protein at every meal.

His first bite of rice cereal
  Not too sure what to think
After rice cereal and green beans

I am making all of Brax's baby food.  My mom bought us a baby food maker, the Baby Brezza, even though she doesn't think I will last long making food.  We will have to prove her wrong.  The Brezza steams fruit, raw vegetables, and raw meat.  Then, it purees it, and 20 minutes later, you have baby food.  I pour the food into ice cube trays and freeze it.  Then, I put it in freezer ziploc bags, and all we have to do is heat the cubes up in the microwave.  It's pretty easy, healthier, and cheaper than buying baby food.  I like that I can make food in advance so I don't have to make it every night.

Apples being steamed and then blended
Cubes of avocado and apples
 Frozen cubes of sweet potato, bananas, and green beans

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