Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Mt. Lincoln

One of my goals since I have moved to Colorado is to hike a 14er.  These are mountains that are higher than 14,000 feet in elevation.  There are 53 fourteeners in Colorado.  I thought Mt. Lincoln was a good sign since I am from Nebraska and a Husker fan.  Laura was nice enough to go with me even though she is quite the advanced hiker and much faster than me.  She set a good pace for me to follow.  It was very difficult.  On the ascent, I was out of breath most of the way, and the descent is difficult because of the balance you have to keep on your legs.  Plus, walking on big chunky rocks isn't the easiest either.  I was impressed that some people were hiking another 14er, Mt. Democrat, along with Mt. Lincoln.  There were also some kids out hiking with their parents.  We left at 5:00 a.m. to drive there and started the hike around 7:15.  We finished the hike around 1:15 right before the storm came in.  It was such an accomplishment, and the views on top were just beautiful!  Thank you Laura for such a great day!  And thank you Wade for watching Brax all day so I could go hiking!

Here is Laura as we prepare to start hiking.

At the top of Mt. Cameron which is above 14,000 feet but it's not an official 14er because it lacks prominence.  You have to go through Mt. Cameron to reach Mt. Lincoln.

Scenic pictures

The seals on Mt. Lincoln- the government has an official seal on all of the 14ers

At the top of Mt. Lincoln- if only I would have thought to bring the Husker flag for a picture!

On the descent- a picture of what a lot of the trail looked like
The only bit of snow we saw
The lake at the base called Kite Lake since it looks like a kite
On the drive home- sitting in traffic

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