Friday, August 16, 2013


Brax went to his first Rockies game.  It was on a Friday night, and we went with some neighbors and friends.  It was a perfect night for a game.  It only sprinkled a bit, and then, there was a rainbow which is special since there was a rainbow during our wedding ceremony.  The first two innings lasted forever.  The Rockies won 11-1 against the Pirates so it wasn't a nail biter.  Brax was pretty happy and content for the entire game.  He stayed awake for it all, too.  Everyone thought he was really cute and wanted to hold him.  We left when the game was getting over around 9:30.  Brax fell asleep in the car.  Then, I put him to bed when we got home, and he didn't get up until 6:00.  I couldn't believe it!  We should go to a Rockies game every night if it means he will sleep that long.  It was a good time, but I can't wait to take him to his first Nuggets game.

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