Sunday, October 27, 2013

8 Months

October 13, 2013

We started breakfast along with dinner.  You have rice cereal or yogurt along with a fruit.  You eat very well most of the time.  There isn't any type of food that you don't like.  It's that yummy homemade baby food!

You weigh a little over 14 pounds.  You are still very tiny for your age.  The doctors say you will catch up around 15-18 months.

You started sitting in a high chair when we go out to dinner on Friday nights.  You like the high chair and like to lean back in it.

We celebrated my birthday by going out to dinner at Red Lobster.

You had a stomach bug and threw up for about 6 hours one day.  It was no fun for any of us!

You have two bottom teeth.

We went to Valley to visit Grandpa and Grandma for an extra long weekend.

You are really rolling all over and like to do at least two rolls at a time.  We really have to watch you when you are on the bed.  We can put you down in a spot on the floor, and you will end up in the middle or on the other side of the room.

You go to bed around 7:00.  You get up around 4:30 to eat and up for the day around 7:00.  On the weekends, you will sleep until 8:00 usually.  I think this is because I am not up getting ready and making noise.

You are a bad napper.  You take about two 30 minute naps a day.

You sit up for short periods of time by yourself.  We have to make sure we are nearby so you don't fall back and hit your head hard.

You like to lay on your stomach and move your legs and arms in the air.  You look like Superbaby!

You like to babble.  Your favorite sound to make is "Mama."

We feed dog treats to the dogs next door.  We look at the chickens next door, too.  You don't seem to care too much about the animals.  You just stare at them.

We go for walks or sit outside on the blanket.  You go in your baby swing.  Most of the time you laugh when you swing.

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