Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Nanny

We decided to switch from going to an in-home daycare to a nanny aka Danni the Nanny.  It was totally the right decision.  Brax is so much happier.  Danielle was actually in my brother's high school class and babysat for Brax in April and May.  It is nice to know Brax is in good hands.  Right now, she just comes for about three hours on Monday and Wednesday when Wade has to leave for class and before I get home from work.  Brax had a pretty eventful day today.  He was happy when Wade left.  Then, he had a huge blowout diaper which required a bath and outfit change.  They tried out the swing, but the sun was in his eyes.  They went for a walk where he fell asleep.  He was still asleep when they got back so she brought the stroller into the kitchen to let him finish his nap.  Danielle was nice enough to send us pictures throughout the day.  We are so glad he adjusted well to the change!

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